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To Denis S., Basel, 29.5.1992 - www.martinnaef.ch
www.martinnaef.ch / 1.2: Briefe > To Denis S., 29.Mai 1992, Basel

To Denis S., 29.Mai 1992, Basel

Dear Dennis! Have you already moved to your new home, and have you started with your new carriere as a student dorm parent? I hope this change is going to make your life easier in the way that you and Shelley expected.

I still remember with great pleasure the Geneva conference and the time we spent together discussing old and new things. I am glad, that it has helped us to find back to the happier days of our relationship. A lot of what you told me about your present situation has contributed to this in so far as I seem to understand much better now, where you're at - also emotionally. Well, I am glad, that things have developed like this. The conference itself was quite stimulating, too. It was like a visit to a place, where I'd lived for quite a while and where I had since then never been again.

What happened to the Fisk-book. You wanted to send me a copy of "Smart Schools - Smart Kids". So far, I haven't gotten anything. I would be very glad, to get it soon. I don't know, whether I will seriously look into the possibility of translating it, but I can certainly use it for my work here. Especily the school-choice experiments described in the chapter, you've send me last fall, are of great interest to people over here.

Times since Geneva have been rather busy and intense: I have produced a print-copy of all the documents and material that I have created in the context of the Geheeb-project: excerpts from correspondences, lists of people represented with one or more letters in the Geheeb-Nachlass, lists of the requests I have sent to other archives etc. - all in all about 1600 pages. Armin was worried, that one day my computer was have a nervous breakdown or it would die of an unexpected heart attack, therefore he asked me for these print-documents. - I've also began working with a (private) institution in Zürich, which offers advanced teachers training programs. I am supposed to help them with their administration and the overall development of their institute. I am not sure yet, whether I will continue with this job (two days per month) after summer break, but I might. In early May I have attended another conference in Słowenia, organized by the "European Forum for Freedom in Education", an organization which I am connected with since some time. The conference was not quite what I expected, but it helped me to become clearer on my views about things -, about the limitations of the world of pedagogues first of all. At this conference and at other occasions I realize, that I am moving away from pedagogy (school reform / alternative schools etc.) into politics (children in our society / social mechanisms of fragmentation and segregation (youth, old age ...) ...). I am more and more frustrated by the naive enthusiasm of school-reformers who (very often) seem to assume, that they are the ones who will bring about the changes, that are so needed. Just as if nobody ever before really did important...

Just before and after the days in Slowenia I had to finish another issue of "endlich", issue dealing with "Schools in Danmarck ". That was very interesting (I am always learning quite a bit when I am putting together another "endlich").

Frank has been in Basel twice for one  week. That was very nice again, although we didn't have much time, which we could spend together. Once a week a travel to Zürich, where I participate in a play, that we want to put on in September. We began rehursing in January. At first I was really "begeistert". Today I am not anymore, but still: it is a change to all the letter writing, organizing, thinking and theorizing entailed in my normal work. I hope, that being in this play will be the beginning of more like this. As you may remember from old Schäferweg Times, I always wanted to do something in the direction of cabaret or theater since I left the Ecole ! ! ! Since almost 14 Years, this is!

Well, man. I could go on and on. But I want to stop here, so that this letter gets to you soon. This is at least my memory.

I hope that you'all will have a good summer with a fair amount of pleasure, outdoor activities, water, open sky, green plants and animals, time to rest, to sleep, to play and to make love, time to eat and think and dream! - Say hello to Shelley and the kids! - Love